Frequently Asked Questions ~
How Do I make an appointment for a session? ~
You can make an appointment by email, calling me directly or texting me at 651-334-6944.
Scheduling is flexible & you can generally get an appointment within two weeks. This includes in-person sessions, over the phone sessions, remote healings, animal healings & property clearing.
What can I expect to happen in a session? ~
Every individual is unique - and every session unique. Generally, I will begin with a dialogue. In dialoguing the map of who you are begins to unfold & there is a starting point for the journey. After this initial assessment, I will determine the best protocol for you and your individual needs. Throughout the session I will be channeling from Higher Source - therefore the questions that you are being asked and the answers that you receive are a result of this channeling - which by simple definition is clairvoyance & intuition - but it is more. The important point to remember is that, with me, the words themselves carry healing energy.
Does this mean that my session will be all dialogue? ~
What this means is that after the dialogue, I move further into the session by reviewing you. In this heightened state of awareness I review all that you personally have to reveal - this includes all of your history that goes back to the very beginning of your journey. I will direct healing energy where needed to clear issues and to balance. The dialoguing can continue throughout the entire process. Occasionally - all that is required or needed in a session is the dialogue aspect, but for the most part the whole person review is required. I always follow the protocol that I am led to - completely outside of my ego or my client's. My approach is as a "blank slate" with no preconceived notions. Whatever it is that you need that day, and wherever you are in your life - these truths will be revealed - and you will receive exactly what it is that you need.
What can I expect after a session? ~
Sometimes the results are subtle - revealing themselves over the days, weeks & months ahead. About 99% of the time the results are immediate in the session. Because the very basis of the work is Soul healing & connection - your end result is dependent on; how deep the injury & how long you have gone without resolution. You will shift as a result of a session, physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically and even spiritually. This shift will take you to your next level of awareness. You may need more than one session to support your journey after this shift.
How long does a session last? ~
The length of a session can vary depending on what the need is. Averages are; In-person sessions; 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours. Phone consultations and remote healings 1 to 1 1/2 hours. House call; personal healings 1 1/2 to 2 hours; animal healings 1 hour; house/property clearings 1 1/2 hours to 3 hours.
How many sessions will I need? ~
The number of sessions that you need is dependent on two things; what you feel tht you need and what is recommended to you. Ultimately you make this decision. I have seen many people just once and they moved ahead in their lives to the extent that they did not feel that they needed more work. Others shift and change knowing deeply and internally that they need additional support. Some people simply love the process so much that they come to see me for "tune ups". Even after clearing up past injuries and issues, life goes on, and other issues can arise that need clearing and clarification. At the end of your session, at your request, I will make recommendations based on your individual experience. Again, what you choose to do is always up to you.
What is the difference between and in - person session & a phone session? ~
There are a few difference; Some people prefer an in-person session due to their own comfort level - they simply prefer to be seen in person. In my experience (and my client's) a phone session is just as powerful as an in-person session. I like to give my client's the option - occasionally it will come through for me that one type of session would be more appropriate than the other for the client, and so I will make a recommendation. Also, if a hypnotherapy protocol is appropriate, then more than one session is usually required. This is when in-person sessions are recommended. Additionally, prices may vary depending on the service, so please refer to the fee schedule on this page.
What is the difference between a phone session & remote work? ~
A phone session is a session over the phone. With the remote work, at your request, I work "remotely". Remote work is appropriate if there is a specific date or event that you would like support for when a phone session or in-person session is not convenient or possible. This would be appropriate for an up coming event where you would like to be supported by the work. Remote work during a surgical procedure would be a good example. There is no limit to healing energy - you do not have to be in-person or over the phone to receive the benefits.
How does payment work? ~
Payment is due at the time of your session. I accept all major credit cards, checks and cash. First time phone client's will be required to prepay before their first session.
How can I learn more? ~
Review the website & see if the work resonates with you. If you have any questions you can either email, call me directly or text me at 651-334-6944.
Fee Schedule ~
In Person Session; $125 per hour. An average session is 1 1/2 to 2 hours. On the 5th session and every in-person session thereafter a 5% discount applies to the total fee.
Phone Healing and Remote Healing session; $100 per hour. An average session is 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
House Call; for personal work, house/property clearings & animal healings- $150 per hour. An average session for a house/property clearing is 1 1/2 to 3 hours. An average session for an animal healing is 1 hour.
Ask me about my sliding fee scale!
Session Review; $200 - at your request, an extensively detailed 5 to 10 + page written review of your session with additional channeled insights
Hypnotherapy Protocol; series of 4 or more sessions for a specific agreed upon issue/topic paid in advance; 15% discount applies.
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