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2012 Channeled Spiritual Healing Newsletter

We spend a good part of this year in dream time, even though we are awake. We may feel disconnected from reality; we may feel disconnected from others; we may feel a need for solitude; life may have taken on a surreal, other worldly feel.

There are reasons for this and this experience serves a number of purposes:

There are many shifts taking place in our everyday environment. The shifts are taking place in nature, within our selves – spiritually, mentally and physically, and the undercurrents of the predominant energies in this human life time; lightness and darkness – good and evil, are shifting.

Our very beings are simply shifting energetically in preparation for the changes that will be taking place here on planet earth. Our evolution as the human race is getting ready to shift to another dimension of reality - the new paradigm of reality.

You have spent years now nurturing your Spirituality, or perhaps not. If you have, you have learned that you can have peace within your Soul based on your relationship with the Divine. If you experience fear of change on any level it is softened, as you have been made ready and are prepared for these changes. You may experience fear but it does not control you. For those who haven’t nurtured and established a Living relationship with the Divine, you’ll be coming along for the ride, but your confusion may be overwhelming and the fear debilitating.

This truly is evolution.

When the shift has taken place, like a major earthquake, there will be aftershocks; but the human race can and will thrive. In many ways, as our lives change right here on planet earth; we will experience a rebirth. The old earth dies away and the new is reborn.

And so our lives and our Spirits are reborn.

Hold onto your hats and get ready for the ride, and remember your Divinity.

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