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Inspiration - Holy Spirit

Inspiration – Holy Spirit 10-10-24

Change is upon us, and although just as birth is difficult, the result is new life.

Are we prepared? There will be times of overwhelming fear. Just as covid threatened us, we were then and are now, called to something more. We are called to a deeper, richer, spiritual life.

I have been on sabbatical since 2021, due to a very difficult experience with covid(vax) and in that experience, rather than take my life, God enriched it.

If you missed the opportunity to a deeper spiritual calling – this is your opportunity – once again.

Many could scarcely wait to return to their  ‘normal’ and reclaim their lives. I take no issue with anyone’s journey.

However, covid was a wake-up call to deeply connect with our Souls and God.

It’s in the ‘stars’ as my amazing astrologer has been able to clarify just what my Soul has been predicting.

More awakening is required because truly so much opportunity has been missed.

God is incredibly patient and doesn’t want a single Soul lost. God loves us as God IS LOVE.

Real world events will occur that will be difficult and challenging – but it is Faith and trusting in God’s plan, which is perfect, that will triumph in these necessary changes.

We will go through a very large ‘Spiritual Course Correction.’

This is for the betterment of all humanity – evolution.

What about the good of all Souls?

Prior to my covid experience I had a relationship with Christ.  All of my clients knew this, and I didn’t push an agenda. I did however share my remarkable and Graced experiences that I had with Christ – who is alive and well.

But there was so much more for me to learn which I share with you now.

What has been revealed to me through much suffering; physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual pain - is that our spiritual experiences and what we receive are matched by our effort. In bringing our suffering to Christ/God, we receive and heal. This includes past and current traumas.

This puts us in the Graced position to Love more deeply and completely – ourselves and others, In doing so we participate in healing the world.

You personally, may not be a Christian, but I invite you nonetheless to reach out to Jesus very specifically because he invites you to a ‘real relationship.’

I have been to Heaven in a Higher Conscious State (Hypnotherapy) and have been with Jesus, so I am in the unique position to share the truth as I have lived it and live it to this day.

I also know someone who passed from the earthly realm and traveled to Heaven. She was given the choice to remain in the Heavenly realm or return to earth. She chose to return. We shared our experiences, and they were a beautiful match.

Some of us are given these graced experiences so that we can SHARE. Speak the truth. It is a unique responsibility.

So, during or preparing for these difficult times which are inevitable, I invite you to ‘consider Jesus.’

Talk to him – be skeptical but also be open. See what happens.

You need to know the truth as it has been revealed to me. We are here on planet earth to Love by God’s design, but also, and so importantly, to receive the Grace and Gift that is God’s Christ. What you hear or read about Christ’s redemption and how your sins are forgiven through Christ; this may not resonate with you – so yes you resist the possibility or the need to receive this Grace.

Look around you. You’ve witnessed evil too many times & you see it and know it’s real. You are aware of the impact on humanity and life itself. Your life has been impacted by this reality. You may have to admit that it has touched you personally (both internally  & externally).

Christ’s redemption and saying yes to Christ is saying yes to God’s plan of Love.

Who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?

Release from ego (this year’s message – previous blog).

Allow for God’s truth to enter into your Hearts,  Minds, and  Souls.

Let go - let God do all the real Magic that He Is!

Yes, get out of your own way!

We are here to Love; We came here to Wake Up and receive God’s gift of Christ.

When you say yes and receive His Grace, you are saying yes to Life itself.

I truly believe this is one lifetime presenting us with the opportunity to say yes to this redemption. In doing so we have eternal life AND will not have to return here, having to relearn and witness all of this again.

Instead, in Eternal Life we are restored to our completeness and move on to another life – one much different than this life.

Don’t blow your chance, Dear One!




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