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Time For Change

Time for change

Comes a time in one’s life to deeply re-evaluate one’s purpose and mission. To be open to receive new direction, when one is called to do so.

For me, what has been revealed after 27 years of healing work, as I have known it and as you have known it, must now transform and shift. I do not yet know fully what this will look like, but it is time for change.

I know that the energy work that I have done all these years (Qi-Gong, Quantum Healing aka Channeling) now subsides, and the years of experience will present a different face. Knowledge and experience when honored develops into something more, just as valuable and available to share.

This can be in conversation, writing, prayer, ceremony and more. However I am called, I will respond in kind.

I love my client’s and the years of absolute Blessings. To witness the transformation of people (and animals and spirits and land) is nothing short of awe inspiring. The work has fed my Soul & Spirit all of these years as well. To witness the lessons and revelations of the human Spirit & Soul, is nothing short of miraculous.

I thank the Creator and give credit to the Creator for all of the experiences and the results. My life is offered in God’s service & so I will continue my journey with the same Heart & Soul – but my purpose is changing & I must answer the call.

Blessings, Dear Ones - Carol


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